3rd grade- Little Cartographers

3rd grade students learn about map making, and the relationship between art making and maps. Students will be exploring themes of travel. Places far away from their home- or maybe even homes that are far away from them. They will create their own map, drawing their current home on one side while drawing a place they either want to visit- or a place that they’ve been to before on the other. They will make this map tactile with the use of clay and found objects.


  • 5; Student has a finished, well conceived map with many environmental details, colors, and clay definition. They may compensate for negative space with additional applications of clay, or color.

  • 3-4; Student has a finished map with large stretches of negative space between locations and clay untouched by color.

  • 1-2; Student’s map is either uncolored, unfinished, or doesn’t have any clay on its surface.